We Are UA Annual Appeal
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- We Are UA Annual Appeal
“We are UA” Annual Appeal – Why support it?
Union Academy is a public charter school. By law, charter schools do NOT receive any funding for buildings. Traditional public school systems DO receive building funding which is approximately $1500 more per student than charter schools.
Union Academy primarily uses state, local and federal funds for the cost of instruction and operations and then a small portion of what is left goes towards building related costs. The Annual Appeal and other Foundation fundraising monies help reduce the debt the school takes on by making the down payment on new buildings. Every dollar donated is one less dollar borrowed.
There Are Two Ways To Give
- Make a donation using our secure online site below.
Must make a minimum donation of $25 per student to receive a t-shirt.
Fill out the Appeal Flyer 2024-2025 and return it to the Foundation Office.
We are once again offering Foundation Family Membership Options with various incentives.

Giving Level | Uniform Approved T-Shirt | Car Magnet to Showcase Your Support | Family Name Listed on Foundation Website | Family name displayed in front of school for the 25/26 school year | Permanent Single Engraved Brick Placed in Front of the North Gym |
FRIEND Minimum of $25 donation per student |
BUILDER $300+ |
AMBASSADOR $1,500+ |